Fab Times: Schuette Metals Blog

Fab Times


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Wausau Warming Center Donation.jpg

Amber Medo Delivering Donation to the Wausau Warming CenterThrough our Community Outreach Committee, Schuette Metals donated many needed items at the Wausau Community Warming Center. Pictured right, Amber Geno, representing the Outreach Committee, delivered a monetary donation, too.

The Warming Center, run by Catholic Charities, provides nightly hot meals and a safe environment for up to 25 people each night. Visit their website for a list of items in constant need.

We appreciate your support given to the Warming Center and our guests! Donations can be dropped off at 540 S 3rd Avenue in Wausau. Please remember monetary donations are vital to keep our Warming Center open.

  • Backpacks
  • Bottled Water
  • Breakfast & Soft Granola Bars
  • Winter/Waterproof Gloves & Boots
  • Hand & Foot Warmers
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Men’s & Women’s New Underwear
  • Fruit and Applesauce Cups
  • Men’s & Women’s Thermal Underwear (Tops and Bottoms)
  • Creamer/Sugar
  • Laundry Soap/Dryer Sheets

Your family needing help is a hard situation made harder by our harsh Wisconsin winters. Please consider helping whenever and wherever you can.


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